Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Festivus for the Rest of Us

dress - thrifted, coat - uo, tights - target or something, oxfords - aldo, purse - thrifted coach, necklaces - talonalia

I think I may have talked about our Festivus party, but this is what I actually wore. I was definitely going for a 90s Elaine-y vibe in my outfit. Obviously the dress, but the shoes also reminded me of the lace-up, flat, menswear-y shoes she tended to wear. Of course, to be totally faithful to her look, they ought to have been chunkier and probably worn with some scrunched down socks. And my dress should have been much longer. But the spirit was there, I think.

This was our elegant Festivus pole. No decorations, since tinsel is distracting. I only wish we had a bigger pole, but this thing was cheap and better than the PVC one we started with. At least this is metal! Also, you can see our half finished game of Seinfeld monopoly right there, which is basically all we did.

Again, I'm pretty sure I talked about this before, but the next morning it was snowing and Justina and I hung out at Ugly Mug and went record shopping at Neptune. My mocha was made with Mexican hot chocolate and it was soooo yummy good. They have some really great "creative" drinks and dishes there. It's an unassuming place but probably my favorite cafe in the Seattle area. The girls that work at the counter are adorable and really sweet too.

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