tunic - diy, leggings - silence & noise, boots - thrifted/diy, ray gun - diy
So . . . Halloween. I was a space cadet. I made all of my own costume (as well as Justina's alien costume) except the leggings. I made a sweet ray gun out of a cheap nerf gun from Target and had a lot of fun shooting people with it all night. The boots I got at Value Village and spray painted with silver spray paint. I also had a little glowstick that had a flashlight at the end. Earlier in the evening I had a lot more stuff on my belt, but they got annoying. I had a few little pouches I made to hold my stuff, and a row of extra darts for my ray gun. It looked pretty badass, if I say so myself.
My costume was very much inspired by Barbarella. Obviously it's not a copy of any one outfit she wore in the movie, but I wanted that same badass space tramp feeling. Ha. So I also decided to go with a retro sixties feel with my makeup. I was sort of copying Edie Sedgewick's makeup, but unfortunately it was a bit of a mess by the time this picture was taken. The eye makeup started out more intense and I had nude lips, which made the whole thing work a lot better.
We started out at a party at Harry's place, went to a house party Michael's band was playing at, left there and went to a party with some friend of Casey's for like 5 minutes and then went back to Liam's house. Quite a fun night.
Unfortunately I had been planning on going back to Amanda's that night and had left all my stuff at her place. So I had no clothes to sleep in or wear the next day. Justina kindly lent me a pair of jeans, which I slept in along with my sweatshirt, minus a shirt underneath. The tunic was too uncomfortable to sleep in. The next morning I needed shoes to wear since the boots ended up being really uncomfortable and rubbing silver off onto everything. So Liam lent me these giant sneakers. I think they look so funny with Justina's skinny jeans. We went out to breakfast Sunday morning at this diner in Des Moines which was fun and delicious and then I hung out with Amanda in Seattle and went to Pam's kitchen for tasty tasty Trinidadian food.