Sunday, January 27, 2013

warm spinach breakfast salad

warm breakfast salad

You guys, this is like the BEST food I've ever come up with. I don't have a real recipe, but basically you chop up a few slices of bacon and fry those until they're starting to get crispy. Throw in a ton of spinach and cook until just wilted. Dump spinach and bacon onto a plate and fry an egg (or two!) in the remaining bacon fat. While your eggs are frying, sprinkle some dried cranberries, walnuts, and blue cheese over the spinach and bacon. Top with your fried egg, drizzle with balsamic vinegar and salt and pepper. When you eat it, break the yolk so it mixes with the balsamic to basically create a vinaigrette on your plate. It is seriously SO GOOD.

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