shirt - old navy, pants - urban outfitters, shoes - random gladiators, purse - vintage coach, peacock earrings - gift from j, bracelets - mom's (bought in england when she was 12) and gift from my aunt (aquamarine and silver tennis bracelet), rings - great grandmother's
Amanda invited me to a work barbecue thing today. I never pass up free food, so I went and it was pretty fun. Her coworkers are all really nice. Food was good, and there was croquet and hula hoops and all. It felt hilariously date-like though. Like when I was getting ready before she picked me up, it felt like I was getting ready for a date, and then everyone else brought their boyfriends and husbands, so it was pretty funny. We hung out in the park afterwards too, talking about girly things.
I wear these rings every day. They're very special. They were my great grandmother's wedding and engagement rings. I never really knew her. They're white gold and diamonds (very very small diamonds, ha) and I just love the design of them. The bracelet was a birthday gift from my aunt, along with a matching necklace and earrings (simple pendant on a chain and studs) but I wear the bracelet alone most of the time. I love sparkly jewelery. It makes me feel so girly. The floral bracelet my mother gave to me and it reminds me of England, even though I wasn't there when she bought it. (Obviously, since she was 12.) But it's so delicate and elegantly designed, with a very vintagey feel.
Such cute earings =)
I like your peacock earrings! I remember wanting a pair sooo badly a few years ago, and I guess I just never found the perfect pair! Kind of sad really, maybe that's the reason I never wear pretty earrings anymore.